The story so far...
MapsofIndia.com is the largest online repository of maps on India since 1998. The site provides business mapping solutions and thematic map images of India, its states, union territories, districts, and cities. It is an established brand, servicing businesses, institutions and individuals across the globe.
The early roots of MapsofIndia.com can be traced to the year 1997. Realizing that the Internet would become the next medium of mass usage after the invention of television, few IT savvy entrepreneurs emerged out of IT, as well as non-IT companies, to together form Compare Infobase Limited.
The objective was to become a factory that developed Internet sites, on any subject and at all price ranges, for the Indian market.
Compare Infobase launched its first project, Indiaprofile.com, on 15th August 1998. The site was developed with the focus of emerging as the default portal for information on India. It started with information structured around travel, infrastructure, economy, education, culture, celebrations and maps. By October 1998, it was clear to all the entrepreneurs that within Mapsofindia lay an idea whose time had come.
An analysis of the detailed traffic report indicated that 50% of the traffic, which was coming to Indiaprofile, was going to the smallest section of the site, which was Mapsofindia. The Mapsofindia section had about 50 maps on India and its important states.
The decision was taken to immediately launch Mapsofindia.com with maps of all states, important cities and thematic maps on India in general. On 14th December 1998 Mapsofindia.com became fully operational with over 250 maps.
Those were early days; Yahoo was the king in search engines and submissions. India on the Internet was limited, and maps on India were nowhere to be found. Yahoo's directory on India did not have a sub-directory on maps and fewer than 2000 India specific sites were listed on Yahoo. Yahoo was impressed with Mapsofindia in terms of the depth of information that was offered, and worked together with Mapsofindia to develop a directory structure within yahoo's India sub-directory called Maps & Views. With a cross routing, Yahoo also developed a directory structure called States and Union Territories. Yahoo reciprocated the gesture of Mapsofindia by accommodating Mapsofindia in each section of the new directory structure. Chandigarh, Pondicherry, Haryana & the whole of the North East, was among the new directory structures created specifically to accommodate Mapsofindia.
There was no stopping after this, and the site started growing phenomenally. Mapsofindia was a free site at the time of planning and remains largely so, even today. From 250 maps as its initial database, Mapsofindia has grown to over 6,000 pages of maps and content.
Today, Mapsofindia has promoted a host of travel websites, apart from India's largest online map store by the name of Indiamapstore.com. To know about the products and services of Mapsofindia.com, please click here.
The team at Compare is today confident that it is in a position to replicate the success of Mapsofindia in the larger world domain. In the month of February 2004, Mapsofindia went ahead and launched what is planned to be the largest site on the world i.e. Mapsofworld.com. Mapsofworld.com is growing at a phenomenal rate and it is expected that in couple of years it would become the largest map resource in the world.
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